Supreme Court of Pakistan

Supreme Court of Pakistan
Feedback Portal

Stakeholders Feedback/Engagement for Judicial Reforms

Section 1: Personal Information
Name:* Email:*
Phone No.(Mobile):* City:*
Affiliation/Stakeholder Group :* if Other, Please Specify:

Section 2: Areas of Concern and Suggestions
1. What specific issues do you think are most critical in the higher judiciary? (Please select up to 3 options)
2. Please describe your concerns or experiences related to the issue(s) you selected. (up to 500 words)
3. What reforms or changes would you suggest to address this issue(s)? (up to 500 words)
4. Which technological advancements should be prioritized to improve judiciary efficiency?

Section 3: Additional Feedback
1. Do you have any other suggestions or comments to improve the justice sector / public service delivery? (up to 300 words)
2. Would you like to participate in further discussions or public forums on judiciary reforms?.
3. Feedback Received Through?

Section 4: Declaration
Declaration: I confirm that the information provided in this form is accurate to the best of my knowledge and that my feedback may be used for analysis and policy recommendations while maintaining confidentiality.