Supreme Court of Pakistan

Supreme Court of Pakistan
Jobs Portal

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

  1. Q. What picture size is acceptable?
    A. Picture must be 1” x 1” and should be less than 100 KB, in size (please attach recent photograph, latest by 6 months).
  2. Q. What picture format is acceptable?
    A. Only “jpeg” and “png” formats are acceptable.
  3. Q. What should be the background of picture?
    A. Picture should be clear and should have a light background with 60 % face.
  4. Q. Can I apply for more than one job?
    A. No, you can not apply for more than one job.
  5. Q. What file size and format is acceptable?
    A. File size must be less than 500 KB. Only PDF files are acceptable.
  6. Q. Do you accept applications by hand?
    A. No. Applications Submitted by hand shall not be entertained.
  7. Q. Which browser is best for viewing application form?
    A. Please use Chrome and Enable Javascript for best viewing.
  8. Q. Is there any time constraint on filling up online application form?
    A. Yes, you need to submit the application within 50 minutes of opening the application form; otherwise the session will be lost and you have to start the session again.
  9. Q. How I can contact in case of any query or problem during application process?
    A. You can contact us at email regarding your queries.
  10. Q. What If I give wrong information?
    A. Incomplete, false or forged information will result in cancellation of your candidature even after employment, and also proceeding of a legal action.
  11. Q. Can I edit my application once I had submitted it?
    A. No, once you have finally submitted application, you cannot edit or re-apply. So please fill your application form carefully.
  12. Q. Can any correction be made after submission of online application?
    A. No change in the data can be made after submission of application.
  13. Q. How can confirmation of submission of online application be made?
    A. The confirmation for submission of online application is instantly given with a specific application number on the email address provided in the application by the applicant.
  14. Q. What if I do not receive confirmation email?
    A. Please check your Spam/Junk E-mail folder, confirmation email may have there instead of your inbox.
  15. Q. Whether documents or hardcopy of application are required to be submitted after applying on line?
    A. No hardcopy of online application is required from the applicants. The candidates are required to submit requisite documents only if demanded by Supreme Court of Pakistan subsequently.
  16. Q. What are the usual grounds of rejection of an application for recruitment cases?
    A. An applicant is liable for rejection on any of the following grounds:-
    • Application not received through online before or on the closing date.
    • Under age/Overage.
    • No proof of age.
    • Non possession of required domicile.
    • No proof of Educational Qualification.
    • Lack of Educational criteria on the closing date as the result was not declared/announced upto the closing date.
    • Educational Qualification is not relevant.
    • Departmental Permission Certificate has been refused or not provided.
    • Some relevant column of the online Application left blank.
    • In case of Non submission of attested copies of the certificates within stipulated time of SCP Notice as proof in support of the Prescribed Qualification/ Experience/ Domicile etc., his/ her candidature shall stand rejected.
  17. Q. Any other advice about filling the application form?
    A. Please fill the application form properly with complete and correct information / answers. Also Please DO NOT leave any mandatory field blank or your application shall not be considered.
  18. Q. Can I fill and submit online application after due date and time?
    A. No. The system on expiry of due date and time shall not accept the application.